Anissaras 33 km holiday resorts to Agia Pelagia are: La température de l'eau à Agia Pelagia aujourd'hui est de 21.6°C. In former times. Agia Pelagia, Heraklion (Iraklion) Hersonissos 35 km The namesake beach of Agia Pelagia is shaped like a horseshoe and boasts thick, dusky sand. The ancient Minoan site of Knossos is of course one of the top attractions to experience, found 25 km from Agia Pelagia. MONONAFTIS Beach KLADISSOS Beach Fodele beach can be sensational if it not a windy day as it is more vulnerable to the occasional breezes which is also the case for Mononaftis, while Paleokastro beach is one that has a fortification built into the cliff on the eastern side of the small bay. In the Venetian period it took on a more monastic character, while it has survived natural calamities, at least twice. HOTEL OFFERS Have you been to this part of Crete? La température moyenne de l'eau de mer en novembre à Agia Pelagia est de 20.8°C, la température minimale est de 18.1°C et la température maximale est de 23.7°C. La température de l'eau de mer à Agia Pelagia devrait chuter à 20.6°C au cours des 10 prochains jours. There is however a spot that non-guests can enjoy, although since it is a very small, almost hidden cove, access is tricky and you can only reach it by swimming there, or by pedal boat. Il y a trois mille ans, entre ciel et mer, une civilisation heureuse s'épanouissait à Cnossos, autour du palais à la double hache. The mesh of culture and the variety of experiences to be had make it an irresistible place to visit. Focusing on its fishing wealth that has sustained its local inhabitants for a long time, Agia Pelagia has since developed its charm to become one of the quaintest seaside villages in Crete and is considered one of the top regions to experience some truly relaxing holidays, fairly close to Heraklion city. Though there are several (little, almost hidden) beaches in the area (many of which can be reached only by feet or by boat). Agia Pelagia Sea Temperature Forecast. - Snorkeling Notre rapport pour Agia Pelagia est compilé à l'aide de données satellitaires et d'observations in situ afin d'obtenir les données quotidiennes les plus fiables sur les températures de surface de la mer, les températures de l'eau, les prévisions de surf, les températures actuelles et les prévisions météorologiques. - Trekking Traversant quarante ans d'histoire politique grecque, Les Enfants du Pirée offre à la fois une formidable satire sociale et un grand roman d'aventures débridés et licencieux, férocement drôle et étonnamment triste. It enjoys a private location on its own little peninsula, west of the main Agia Pelagia beach and offers an up-scale experience of its guests. Near Agia Pelagia you will find several interesting places to visit, like the Minoan Palace of Knossos, the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, the traditional villages of Achlada, Fodele, Rogdia and Anogia up to the highest mountain of Crete Idi (also called "Ida" or "Psiloritis" - 2.456m high). Rethymnon (60 km), Address: The Turks named this beach of Agia Pelagia as Tsanak. Kokkini Chani (23 km) LYGARIA Beach It is the main beach of the area and features an array of beachfront tavernas as well as beach amenities such as sunbeds and parasols. Rent a Car, BOOK CHEAP It has a nice beach bar and sunbeds to soak up the sun in comfort. - Hiking/Climbing En plus des valeurs du tableau, le graphique ci-dessous affiche les variations de la température de surface moyenne au cours de l'année. With ties dating back to the ancient Minoan era, it was once used as a quarry ground as well as for growing crops. However, for those who seek a bit of an active fix, scuba diving and snorkelling is highly recommended in Agia Pelagia, due to the cleanliness of its waters. ACHLADA Village Covering a large expanse, the Monastery of Savvathiana lies amidst verdant gardens and orchards, while its naturally fortified position, conveys a reclusive sense which is fully in line with its use as a place of spiritual retreat for monks. Agia Pelagia is one of the most beautiful fishing villages on the northern coast of Crete. The house of El Greco also has a small Byzantine chapel within its grounds. You will find Agia Pelagia 23 km west of Heraklion and its airport. in AGIA PELAGIA It features traditional Cretan buildings and has alluring authentic atmosphere. Bali (31 km) Now £85 on Tripadvisor: Peninsula Resort & Spa, Agia Pelagia. (© Region of Crete), Holiday Hotel offers in Agia Pelagia Resort, Hotel Bookings at Agia Pelagia - search, compare and book online hotels, villas, apartments in Agia Pelagia CRETE, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, GET DIRECTIONS - How to drive to Agia Pelagia, 200 Years Anniversary (1821 - 2021) of the Greek Independence War, Revolution of 1821, Incredible Crete Island - Surprisingly Yours! Agia Pelagia : nos activités Plongée sous-marine. Crete Island, Once linked to the ancient Minoan civilization and with a great natural wealth in Greenschist rock that helped build the foundations of its economy, during the Venetian period it became a place with monastic interest. Agia Pelagia est une petite ville côtière dotée d'une belle plage qui se prête à des vacances Pour finir si vous aimez la plongée Agia Pelagia est un bon choix tant pour le snorkeling que pour la plongée sous-marine. Sur la base de nos données historiques sur une période de dix ans, a mer la plus chaude de ce jour à Agia Pelagia a été enregistrée en 2019 et était de 22.3°C et la plus froide a été enregistrée en 2011 à 20.2°C. The main areas are: Agia Pelagia bay (main beach - and the busiest), Lygaria Bay, Mononaftis bay, Kladissos bay, Made beach, Psaromoura beach, Fylakes beach, Ammoudi. Map Carte des précipitations en ligne et autres cartes météorologiques. MADE Beach For exploring the best that Agia Pelagia has to offer its visitors, there is also one other exclusive spot to visit, on the tiny but immensely beautiful bay found at the foot of OUT OF THE BLUE, Capsis Elite Resort. Book cheap car rental offers in Agia Pelagia Crete - Agia Pelagia Car Rental bookings online! Outre la température de l'eau à Agia Pelagia, des indicateurs importants pour des vacances confortables sur la plage sont la présence et la hauteur des vagues, ainsi que la vitesse et la direction du vent. If not we hope to inspire you to explore the charming Agia Pelagia. - Tours & Excursions BUS Service Agia Pelagia is a seaside fishing village built in the centre of a picturesque amphitheatric bay, it is located on the north coast of Crete at 23 km northwest from Heraklion (Herakleion), capital city of the Island of Crete. 6. Données du tableau présentées pour le 9 novembre 2021, heure au format GMT+0 (vous pouvez modifier le fuseau horaire sur la page de prévisions de l'état de la mer), Les données dans un tableau montrent la température de Agia Pelagia aujourd'hui (9 novembre 2021). Distanciation physique dans les espaces repas. Worth visiting is also the nearby cave (chapel), with the name "Evresi", where - according to legend - local people found the icon of Agia Pelagia (Santa Marina). PSAROMOURA Beach Pendant ces mois, la température de l'eau à Agia Pelagia ne descend pas en dessous de 20°C et donc adapté pour une baignade confortable. Unfortunately there is no way to provide accurate forecast for a sea temperature in Agia Pelagia. Book FLIGHTS online Meteo Agia Pelagia : quel temps a l'année ? Outre la température de l’eau, vous pouvez également obtenir des informations sur la météo d’aujourd’hui, de demain et des jours à venir, les prévisions de surf, ainsi que des données sur le lever / coucher du soleil et le lever / coucher de la lune à un moment donné de la journée. With ties dating back to the ancient Minoan era, it was once used as a quarry. Agia Pelagia semble essentiellement constituée de chambres et appartements à louer. Holiday Resort, Crete Island - "Sense the Authentic!" Dating back to the 1600s, the Monastery of Savvathiana belongs to a greater number of monasteries that were built during the Venetian period. In more recent times, Agia Pelagia experienced occasions when it was wiped out by earthquake-born tidal waves, but today it is a calm area to enjoy amazing visuals. Ammoudara (10 km) As a popular resort spot, Agia Pelagia couldn’t be without some amazing beaches within a 5 km radius. It became a place of touristic interest in the mid 20th century gradually, and now boasts an array of lovely hospitality facilities that do not, however, retract from its authentic charm. It is situated in a serene spot, at an altitude of 400m above the village of Rogdia, while it is known to be one of the most beautiful monasteries in Crete. Certains établissements manquent de charme. (Agia Pelagia) dès 142€. FYLAKES Beach Pour plus d'informations sur les prévisions de surf pour les dix prochains jours, veuillez consulter les prévisions de l'état de la mer à Agia Pelagia. Considered to be the birthplace of the famous Domenikos Theotokopoulos, the true name behind the El Greco phenomenon, it will provide for a pleasant pastime for a couple of hours. - Useful Travel Info. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous des informations sur la taille de la houle pour Agia Pelagia. You can spend many hours observing the seabed, discovering the unspoiled marine world of Crete. From cultural attractions to its wonderful beaches, your day can be as involved or as lazy as you choose it to be. Agia Pelagia can offer a handful of cultural excursions to nearby places of interest. A popular resort area, Agia Pelagia has a multifaceted appeal. Vous obtiendrez une liste des pays et des villes dans lesquels la température moyenne de l'eau ce jour-là et au cours des 10 dernières années dépasse la valeur choisie. Taxi Service - Motor Boats Rental A popular resort area, Agia Pelagia has a multifaceted appeal. Température de l'eau de la mer à PaleóchoraMétéo des plages à LoutróMétéo plages Sisi. prévisions de l'état de la mer à Agia Pelagia, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en janvier, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en février, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en mars, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en avril, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en mai, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en juin, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en juillet, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en août, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en septembre, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en octobre, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en novembre, Températures de l'eau à Agia Pelagia en décembre, Température de l'eau de la mer à Paleóchora. Malia 41 km Pour plus d'informations et de prévisions pour quelques jours, consultez la météo de Agia Pelagia, Ces chiffres montrent la température de la mer mensuelle minimale, maximale et moyenne à Agia Pelagia. Les photos seront disponibles pour tous les utilisateurs après vérification par le modérateur. FODELE Village, TRANSPORTATION Agia Pelagia is a seaside fishing village built in the centre of a picturesque amphitheatric bay, it is located on the north coast of Crete at 23 km northwest from Heraklion (Herakleion), capital city of the Island of Crete and distants 25 km from the international airport of Heraklion and 23 from the ferry port. Mises à jour Covid-19 - Toutes les informations sur les remboursements et annulations. Stalida 40 km The are innumerous resorts and points of interest on the island of Crete - the nearest Although it does not contain the world acclaimed originals of work, there you will be able to browse through his most famous pieces. See 651 traveller reviews, 1,627 candid photos, and great deals for Peninsula Resort & Spa, ranked #10 of 30 hotels in Agia Pelagia and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. 5 activités correspondent à vos critères. When visiting Agia Pelagia, there are various things to see and do. Panormos (30 km) It belongs to the Heraklion prefecture and provides a lovely alternative for locals living in the city to spend a day basking in its pleasant, laid back ambiance, despite its popularity. Although the actual beach is relatively small, it is embraced by a rocky landscape, giving it a pristine look. It is set high above sea level and will offer some stunning visuals overlooking the landscape as far as the eye can see. Prévisions météorologiques précises au niveau du district. Ligaria beach is situated closer to Heraklion, and is a smaller beach that is perfect for snorkelling as well as being family-friendly and a bit quieter than Agia Pelagia beach. Mononaftis, Fodele and Paleokastro beaches are also great choices. Agia Pelagia (Greek: Αγία Πελαγία, "Saint Pelagia") is a popular seaside resort 23 km northwest of Crete's capital city of Heraklion. Température de l'air et de l'eau, Pression atmosphérique. Faire de la plongée à Agia Pelagia. You can reach Agia Pelagia by a short drive from Heraklion. FODELE Beach Météo marine Agia Pelagia. - Scuba Diving From Agia Pelagia you can visit the post-minoan graves and the University (Pritanion) of the 4th century B.C. - Water Sports It is situated at the center of a small gulf and is surrounded by two other little coves that form two more quaint beaches to its east and west. - Ecotourism which were found in 1970 at the site Kladistos (or Kladotos/Kladissos) and support the view that this was the site of the ancient city of Apollonia. Agia Pelagia takes its name from the homonymous church, in the Monastery of the Sebbathians, ruins of which are found at a distance of 1 km west of the village. Vous planifiez des vacances sur la plage et souhaitez profiter de la mer chaude? One of the most beautiful fishing villages on the northern coast of Crete, Agia Pelagia is an immensely picturesque seaside settlement, that is incredibly authentic and scenic. Prévisions météorologiques détaillées pour aujourd'hui, Demain, la semaine, 10 jours et le mois sur Yandex.Météo. - Mountain Biking If you have visited Crete before, chances are you may have already visited Knossos Palace as it is one of the most iconic landmarks of Crete. Agia Pelagia (Santa Pelagia) is located 21km west of Heraklion, on the south side of the small Cape Souda, surrounded by several coves with beautiful The main beach of the settlement is a long and narrow beach with sand and greenish water. Further away, but worth the distance, is Melidoni cave that has archeological interest too. If it is caves that intrigue you, Evresi cave is found very close to Agia Pelagia, where it was said that the icon of Agia Pelagia was found.
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